Behind the 4th wall

To return to Hemerund Logistics, refer to this link!

Salutations. I am the creator of Hemerund Logistics, or more specifically, fuckingsickasswebsite. This page has no additional lore or details about Hemerund Logistics, but it might have some silly trivia nobody cares about.

I made this website on the 27th of August 2024. That was also baby's first exposure therapy to html literature.

Heres some trivia nobody asked for.

So I really named fuckingsickasswebsite as fuckingsickasswebsite because well, isn't it a fucking sick ass website? But truthfully, I had yet to decide on a name yet as this was before I came up with Hemerund Logistics. I have to declare, the name has since grown on me much like a vine crawling up a tree trunk. I gain or lose nothing from ditching the name, but well its kind of funny right?

How I came up with Hemerund Logistics is pretty simple. I simply got a metalloprotein, in this case Heme (or Haem for you weirdos.) since they are the big boy logistic proteins of the human body already, and then just superglued the word "logistics" to the end. It's not rocket science, but more like, 7th grade biology science..?

If you want to stalk me, here is my address. Psr. Rempel no 69, Suite 466, 37522, Madiun, Jambi, Indonesia

More will be anticipated in a relative time frame, given that n=my current hyperfixation, and n >=1.

In the meantime, please enjoy this banana of cavendish variety.